
Pluralism branched from a pragmatist worldview marks a philosophical step up, even though in different schematic division appears alongside with additional worldviews. It embraces within, a Meta philosophical nucleus, an upgrade embedded in the foundations of pragmatism. It seeks to remind the initial reason for which the philosophical development process began. Creswell (2008), Using Cherryholmes (1992), Morgan (2007), and his own views, described research arises from pragmatic philosophical stance: Pragmatism is not committed to any of the systems of philosophy and reality. Pragmatists do not see the world as an absolute unity, But as a complex matrix of considerations.

Hence, truth is what works at the time of a specific investigation or intervention. It is not based on a duality between reality independence of the mind or within the mind, but on a combination of different perspectives on the event in question. Individual researchers are free to choose the methods, techniques, and procedures of research that best meet their needs and purposes of the specific inquiry at the time. Inquirers draw liberally from both quantitative and qualitative assumptions when they engage in their research and use both quantitative and qualitative data to provide the best understanding of a research question. The overall strength of a mix methodology research, using both approaches in tandem, is greater than either qualitative or quantitative research (Creswell and Plano Clark, 2007).

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